Wednesday, February 24, 2016

#BackToBasics Devo - Luke 4-7

Luke 4 - Jesus starts His ministry off in Holy Ghost power after a season of temptation. The Spirit comes upon men for a purpose. Jesus always spoke with authority. The crowds knew the difference between speech with authority and speech with no authority.

Luke 5 - A tax collector becomes a follower of Jesus. He later throws a feast and brings a lot of his ungodly friends. The Pharisees expected Jesus and His disciples to distance themselves from the gathering in order to make everything look good. Jesus said that He and His disciples were needed there instead of in a place where everyone thinks that they're ok.. Whew! Do I distance myself from new followers of Jesus because of how it may appear?

Luke 6 - Jesus spent all night in prayer before choosing his apostles. My spiritual house isn't built by hearing sermons. It's built by obedience. This describes so many in church today, especially teens who leave the church to go to college. The streams come and all they have are sermons that they've heard. There's been no obedience so their spiritual house falls.

Luke 7 - When you are forgiven little, you love little. When you are forgiven much, you love much.

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