Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Life Update...

So here's a little update of what's going on with me..


The good things first...
I've been on a journey with the Lord & he's been gracious enough to share things with me (through His word, people, dreams etc.) My hunger for the word has definitely increased now that I've chosen not to limit myself to what the disciplines of bible reading &  prayer are "supposed" to look like. There's definitely discipline involved (which I haven't quite mastered yet). However, I'm finding that there is freedom within the boundaries of those disciplines. It's awesome!

The bad things...
I've found myself becoming more dependent on me instead of on God. I didn't realize how easy it was to fall into this trap. God has really blessed me with some awesome opportunities & continues to do so. I feel myself wanting to trust in me like it was my abilities that got me where I am. At the same time I feel the need to compare myself to more successful people & become ungrateful. Uggh! I hate those feelings but it's something that I have to fight with all of the time. Funny thing is...I'm not even really that famous lol! Imagine what these big time artists must be going through.


Ehh! Could be better. It seems like every time I try to start working out something crazy happens. I try to start creating a habit of working out or running & something happens that stops me beforw I can keep the habit going. Case in point: My sister was working me out right? (You saw the video!) It was perfect...I needed a motivator & she was doing it! We worked out for a few months. Then she says "After this week, you're on your own!" That was my worse nightmare because I neeed people to encourage me in that area. Then I started running on my own at my parents house...on their treadmill. Treadmill worked fine...then malfunctioned! Aaah! So now I'm not doing so well. Thinking about getting a gym membership or something because now that I've tasted the goodness of running on a treadmill, I hate running outside.


I'm meeting new people so that's a blessing. I'm also learning to trust people again and let go of offenses. Over the past 2 years, people that I really trusted & befriended either went somewhere into left field with their doctrine or they completely fell off from the faith. It's awesome to see God restoring some...but can I restore them? Hmm. And of course with the breach of so many relationships this made me suspicious of the relationships I still had. I was like "Is anybody living for God anymore?" Classic Elijah syndrome. So I'm just coming out of that tunnel. I'm mixing it up with more people. I'm also giving them room to make mistakes. Although we should strive for perfection, nobody's perfect. Offenses will come. Will I forgive? By God's grace, yes.


I praise God that most of you are enjoying The Freedom Project! I'm really amazed at how the word continues to get out. We don't have an official promoter or anything...just word of mouth. God's really pushing it forward & people are beginning to take notice. People are showing love for both the message & the music quality so that's awesome. I'm currently trying my hand at a mixtape which should be out this summer. I've never done one before. I'll let you know about the title, artwork, etc soon. And yeah it'll be free! Also, I'm beginning to experiment with incorporating different genres into my music. We'll see how that goes.

Thanks for reading this! Please keep me and my family in prayer.


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